This website is a celebration of art and artists. There will be a regular featured artist that is not neccesarily well-known, just individuals who would like their visual art/craft displayed.

Friday, March 18, 2011

African Arts and Crafts

African Arts and African Crafts Website Launch

This website is for all African Artists and Crafts(wo)men that want exposure on the web on a mediated website. Where your work will be marketed for you so that you can do what you like best; to create, to paint, to draw, to sculpt, to carve, to make, to construct, ...and you fill in the blanks (whatever it is that you do).

Members are able to provide bios, pictures, links to their websites and blogs, CVs, experience, portfolios, and whatever else they would like to have on their web page(s).

This website provides an infrastructure where artists can share their ideas, their challenges, their celebrations, and their joys (if they want to).

Trainers are able to advertise their training, what its about, when it happens, and where, so that people who are looking for training, workshops, playshops, and events can find them.

Exhibitors can have their schedules, exhibition dates, venues, and links to their own websites.

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